Monday, July 9, 2012

Top 5

So, today's post was inspired by the many, many, MANY posts and pins I've seen with mama's giving their advice to new moms and advice to all my lovely new momma's and momma's to be is as follows:

#1 Do your homework...PLEASE! I would get on my hands and knees and beg you in person if I could! learn everything you can and both sides of the debate....know WHY you do the things you choose to do! I don't care what you ultimately decide is best for your family-that's your decision and I will respect you completely for it! You may be set on using disposable diapers but would it hurt to spend a little time looking into cloth diapers? Proper babywearing? "extended" rear-facing? Breastfeeding past a year? (the list goes on and on)...all the information can get a little overwhelming at times which leads me to....

#2 RELAX!!! I say this to my lovely mama friends ALL the time....and they say it to me too of course! Honestly i find doing my homework helpful for relaxing...I didn't stress when Rose lost a little weight after she was born since I knew that most breastfed babies lose weight at first! 

#3 WEAR YOUR BABY! it will save your sanity and you can't spoil them...I promise...but don't wear them in a crotch dangler like a bjorn please....and if you must wear them facing out please do it only in short increments! (why? here's some links! 
I didn't wear Sonshine as much although i wish i did...things would of been even easier! Rose though is worn a good portion of the day every day...because let's face it...she demands attention AND so does Sonshine AND things still need to get fact tonight i tried everything BUT wearing her and i finally tossed her in her beautiful BBSlen Pineapple ringsling and now she looks like this!

*If you're interested in babywearing check out this fb group 
and if you're looking to buy a GOOD carrier check out - the owner, Jillian, is a sweet & fabulous mama! They also have a rental program and a 90 day risk free trial!

#4 You *might* have mixed feelings after the birth and that's okay! I was in complete shock after I had Sonshine at how much my body changed and bawled my eyes out over it! I had a complete meltdown about it! But you know what? I AM GORGEOUS! (Thank you to the hubby for reminding me at the time hehe)

#5 Cuddle that baby like CRAZY! Remember that it will end....the saddest thing about babies is they GROW UP! So when they are driving you nuts, crying, nursing like crazy, pinching, pooping everywhere, keeping you from your precious sleep etc etc....JUST KEEP SWIMMING and enjoy it...because before you know it they won't wake up at night to snuggle, they won't be grinning at you in between sucks when they nurse and their sweet gummy smiles will be a distant memory...

So there's my top 5 at least...<3

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