Monday, July 2, 2012

Just a little info on EC...

I don't really remember where or when i first learned about Elimination Communication (EC) could of been while browsing forums, our natural parenting group or some other facebook group where it was mentioned...anyways since Sonshine was already well into his toddler years i didn't really look into it. Then, I learned that we were expecting Rose and decided to find out more about this "EC thing". So since i've had lots of questions come my way i thought writing a post would help clear things up a little (or at least save me a lot of typing every time someone asks)

Although EC is also often referred to as "infant potty training" i feel like that doesn't describe it as well as the term elimination communication- just like we know when our children are hungry or cold we also know when they have to go the bathroom- we just have to learn how to communicate with them. I truly believe that we, as humans, are born with the instinct to NOT soil ourselves and that we learn to ignore that instinct as infants because we have no other choice- we can't take ourselves to the bathroom at that age! So all EC is is learning the signs our baby gives us and responding appropriately by giving them the opportunity to go somewhere besides their own pants. I know in Rose's case she will refuse to nurse if she has to go and of course the obvious signs like passing gas and crying. I simply take the white bowl insert from our bjorn potty and sit it in my lap and hold her over it- letting her lean back on me. I "cue" her when she goes by making a "pssss" sound and so far she's gone every time i've offered her the potty. We're very laid back about it and i decided we would be from the beginning- she's still in cloth diapers most of the time and i give her chances throughout the day, usually when i can tell she has to go as well as at diaper changes, and if she goes she goes and well...that's one less diaper to clean! (and another "catch" i can brag about!)

SO while its only been 3 weeks i have had a lot of questions come my way! I'm going to try to answer some that i know i've been asked but feel free to ask me anything and i'll try my best to answer! Also i will list some resources for you to check out on your own!

Does it help them potty train sooner? overall i would think yes but no two children are the same and while most EC'd kids are diaperfree fairly soon that doesn't mean they won't still have accidents or go through periods where they are just too busy to stop and go the bathroom...still you can expect that they will be pretty potty trained by the age of 2 

Is it hard? REALLY isn't- it IS intimidating at first I won't lie BUT how hard is it to sit there for a few minutes with your baby? shoot I have managed (picture this! lol) to have Rose on the potty while nursing her AND building an amazing block tower with Sonshine- trust me that took some skill! 

She looks like she's crying- maybe she doesn't like it? She's a newborn! The world is a big scary place to her! she doesn't always cry but sometime she does....usually when she's about to poop...which is VERY normal! Most parents don't realize that the reason they are inconsolable could be because they need to eliminate- there have already been times when NOTHING else i tried worked and so i put her over the potty and a few minutes later BAM! She's pottied and is now a happy camper again! 

That was just a few questions and i hope that it helps some- its getting late so i can't remember everything i wanted to say and i could probably babble on for days but i'm sure there will be more posts in the future. In the meantime here are some resources if you are curious about EC and knowing more!

 Diaper Free Baby (i have this book! its great!)
--Diaper Free Baby's website (the book's website as well as 75 benefits of EC and other info!)

Facebook Groups

Me & Rose at 9 days old EC'ing!
(and we had a "catch"!)

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