Saturday, August 4, 2012


WOW! What a FANTASTIC week we've had here! Started the week off with church and then a dear friends baby shower. Then a few relaxing days at home doing awesome stuff with the family like decorating our sidewalk and practicing our ABC's....

And then we went to the Jelly Belly factory for the FIRST time (can you believe that? we've been 15 min away from it for 4years!) with a couple dear friends, some new dear friends and the FABULOUS Jillian from PAXbaby!

The whole group!

Rosie and me!

Rosie and Mrs. Jillian

Me, Rosie and our favorite Rainbow Mama!

My lovely new friend and her daughter who is 5 days younger than Rosie!

Jillian wearing Rosie and my friend Lexie wearing her daughter in my wrap!

Me helping the hubby put Sonshine on!

Afterwards we went out to dinner with some fantastic new friends and then I got a massage the next day as well as getting groceries....I will desperately miss Larry's produce when we move! I got ALL this for only $35 there!

THEN yesterday we drove down to another PAXbaby playdate! I got to see more of my beautiful babywearing mamas and Jillian again!

The girls chilling while...

we enjoyed a picnic lunch!

Then later I got to toss Sonshine up in Jillian's Double Rainbow Obimama!

Later, while driving home, we saw this off the side of the road...
Well...we all know what happened next ;p

Overall I have to say this has been one of the most amazing weeks I've had in a long time!! My hubby was an absolute ANGEL this week and I'm so thankful for him indulging all my whims! I intend to see all my lovely babywearing mamas as much as i can before we move next month! (yikes!! thats sooooo soon!!). The hubby will be going back to work next week which means that I need to get back to keeping the house, getting stuff together for a yard sale, back to eating right and working out to lose this weight and of course taking care of my beautiful Rose and Sonshine!
A BIG THANK YOU to PAXbaby for including us on their fabulous trip and to all my babywearing mamas for being just so darn AWESOME!
(and I suddenly feel the need to tye dye EVERYTHING! hehe...)

Be sure to check Jillian out on FB at PAXbaby and her site here:

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