Monday, June 25, 2012


Happy 2 weeks old Rose! She's really starting to change now...which makes me a little sad since i don't want my hubby to keep missing things :/ She definitely reminds me of her daddy and her brother A LOT. Sonshine is a spitting image of me so its nice to see that Rose looks like her daddy at least a little! I'm SO excited that he'll be home from our second deployment in about two weeks.
My mantra the past 6 months?

2 year old throws massive tantrum over the fact that you can't magically produce strawberries?


People decide to cause drama for you for no good reason?


Get diagnosed with gestational diabetes (which you failed by one point)?


Getting induced at 39 weeks due to prenatal complications and hubby is still gone?


The list can go on and on of course and perhaps i should add "and laugh" to my mantra because some things you can't help but laugh at- like when comcast was calling and pestering me because their autopay screwed up and didn't pay them that month. Well, they were about to get paid in 5 days anyways so i ignored the calls  for the most part- one i picked up and it was a machine telling me to call them (really?! they have machines calling people to tell them to call comcast?!) and the second time i picked up it was a very rude woman who asked to speak to my hubby (the account holder) and well...i told her he was unavailable and since she cut me off before i could say he was deployed by asking to have him call when he's available I told her "I will tell him to do that" (uhhhhh....yeah..... NO). *bwahahahaha!* OR when the doctor informed me that i was depressed according to the stupid depression quiz they give you at the end of your pregnancy (i assume to see if you'll be more likely to have postpartum depression) and I told her they didn't ask the right questions! like "where is your husband currently located?" or "Are you currently living with any 2 year olds?" or "Are you currently having pregnancy cravings for cheesecake AND have gestational diabetes?!" 
And can you believe she then proceeded to ask if I thought i needed medication?!!?

But seriously...I can't wait for the hubby to come home....we get another "first kiss" and he gets to finally meet his baby girl! I know Sonshine remembers him although I'm not quite sure how he'll react when daddy gets home. I'm sure he'll be ecstatic to have his favorite playmate back though! 

Monday, June 18, 2012

1 week

Rose is 1 week old today! She's doing fabulous-she has an official weight check tomorrow but i weighed her here at home and she weighed about 8lbs 4oz meaning she gained back the weight she lost and then some!

EC has been going GREAT! I had decided before she was born that I would be very laid back about things (which comes naturally to me as it is...) and wouldn't put any pressure on any of us to catch every single time she goes. We've been catching both poop and pee a few times a day and she's fairly predictable. She actually calms down when she "assumes the position" and just lets everything go. 

Sonshine is definitely still adjusting to not being an only child...I'm very grateful to have Grammie staying with us for a bit while he adjusts...i think it would be much more difficult without her here to give him the attention that i can't always give him when he wants. I will have to be a "single" mom for a week when Grammie leaves since the hubby will still be gone for about a week. 

This morning I hit a major milestone though! I am at my prepregnancy weight! pre-pregnancy #2 at least....I still have about 40lbs to lose to be pre-Sonshine and then ideally another 15-20lbs to be in the healthy weight range for my height. Thankfully i have two fantastic models to help me out- my mom has lost about 60lbs and my stepdad lost about 140lbs (so far). They look fantastic and I'm incredibly proud of them!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Rose's Birth Story

Sunday night we went in at 5:30pm to be induced due to Mama's gestational diabetes and hypertension (which can and was starting to lead to pre-e). Around 9pm the Cervidal was placed and Mama started to have some contractions. Around 2am Foley bulbs were placed in an attempt to further things to a 4cm- Mama was barely a 2cm when they were placed and it was very very painful. Mama started having very painful contractions and in an attempt to sleep a little took some IV pain meds. After several more hours of very painful contractions Mama was STILL not progressing at all. They called anesthesiology for Mama's epidural and began a little pitocin while we waited. When anesthesiology came they were VERY reluctant to give Mama an epidural because she wasn't very dilated still but after they all went outside to chat (where i'm sure drama ensued) Mama got her epidural. 
Around 2pm, right after Mama's epidural, she was checked and was actually a little further than they initially thought and the doctor accidently (or perhaps not so accidently) broke her water. SEVERAL hours later around 6:30pm the doctor came in and said that if Mama wasn't at least a 5cm at 7:30 then she would need to consider her options (i.e. C-section). Mama then had a major freak out to say the least and Grammie and she prayed. 
The doctor came in and checked her at 7:30pm and she was at 5cm!! The doctor asked if Mama had ever had anyone mention that her abs may be separated and Mama said that although she suspected they may be (she had noticed when she would sit up her very preggo belly would make an odd pointy shape) no one had ever actually spoken with her about it. Apparently this was the reason Mama had incredibly painful contractions all night and day with little progress- Rose's head was down and in the right place but the rest of her body was cockeyed as opposed to straight up and down being held by Mama's muscles and therefore wasn't placing adequate pressure on her cervix to dilate her. 
Mama quickly managed (by the grace of God) to go from a 5 to a 9.5 and around 9:45pm was ready to start pushing! 20 minutes later our beautiful baby girl was born! Mama got to immediately hold her (my big, purple, vernix-y girlie!) and a few minutes later nurse her. Mama had less than a first degree tear so she got 4 small stitches and the doctor said the placenta was already showing signs of decay due to Mama's prenatal complications (so its a good thing she was induced...). 


I have to say that Rose's birth- although the labor itself was long- her actual delivery was amazing compared to big brother Sonshine's (and his really wasn't too bad either- i just tore a little worse and pushed about 25 minutes longer). She was born at 10:08 pm on Monday night and weighed 8lbs 2oz and 20.5in. So although she was bigger than Sonshine (he was 7lbs 3oz 20in) i swear she had/has a smaller head! They had to continue to monitor her sugars for 24hrs due to my gestational diabetes but I felt amazing considering the difficult labor. We came home Wednesday morning and things have been going fabulously- Rose sleeps a LOT and my milk is in (and O.M.G. my boobs are ginormous!). She's lost a little weight which is normal in newborns and i'm sure she'll be back up soon. 

I'm also practicing Elimination Communication (EC) with her- people think i'm nuts and i'm okay with that! lol it's really not a huge deal in my mind- i see it as her simply doing what comes naturally and me taking notice of it. I noticed that she would go in her dipe shortly after waking to nurse and sometimes would refuse to nurse if she had to go so last night i took the insert from her bigger bjorn potty and sat it in my lap with her held on top and after a little fussing she POOPED! yayyyyy!! So we had our big first "catch"! 

Sonshine is also doing fantastic with her and often asks to hold and hug her. He doesn't like letting her have anything on (i.e. mittens, socks, blankets, headbands, hats etc) but then again Sonshine HATES having clothes on himself!

Special thanks to the lovely mama's who lost sleep with me and stayed with me throughout my L&D. Your support meant the world to me! Also to the mama's who watched Sonshine for me and to my own mama who has been here for me in the absence of my hubby who, sadly, missed such a monumental moment by a few weeks.